3 January 2018

What a strategic digital marketing campaign can do to your website’s traffic

What a strategic digital marketing campaign can do to your website’s traffic - Tips from Digital Marketing Agency Gravity Digital

SEO, digital marketing and effectively working social media channels are all marketing techniques that help you to get the most out of the website you have.

Many businesses work on several digital marketing strategies, dabbling in Twitter and Facebook; sending out e-newsletters or analysing the website’s traffic through Google Analytics. However, if all pieces of the digital marketing puzzle don’t fit together then time and money spent on these activities could be wasted.

Take a look at the following chart to see the impact implementing an effective and cohesive digital marketing campaign had on one of our Client’s websites in 2014. Levelled out, the website saw over double the traffic almost immediately and continues at this new higher plateau to this day.

And in this chart, a long period of consistent low performance is followed by a swift uplift at the point at which Gravity rolled out a series of digital marketing techniques on this website. The traffic to this site tripled.

The point at which we took over can be seen quite clearly in the uplift each of these websites saw in traffic coming to their websites. And as we all know, more traffic usually means more opportunity to gain more business.

But it is not all about website traffic only if digital marketing in its fullest sense is to be analysed and businesses are to understand their target audience’s behaviours better.

One of our Clients has a huge online presence through their network of Google+ profiles which drives impressions of their brands over and above the website’s own traffic figures.

A Google+ profile includes all a potential client needs to know about a business, such as telephone number, address and email contacts and so removes the need in some situations for a visit to the company website at all.

See the graph below for how Gravity Digital is tracking digital reach for this Client. The website traffic is being shown in the green line, but the purple line shows how much extra reach the brand is getting via offline channels as well.

Google+ and a strategically chosen paid-for specialist directory accounts for the huge reach the brand has *online*, even though less than half of that reach is on the website.

With new developments in analytics on Twitter in August 2014, impressions that tweets receive make this ‘off-website’ traffic have even greater magnitude. The following two excerpts are from Twitter Analytics for two of our Clients who had no Twitter presence at all before we started working with them.

The impressions rates of tweets are big numbers, which in terms of brand advertising within channels that are ‘free’ is pretty impressive. These impressions represent the tens of thousands of times the Clients’ brand has been seen, and that would not have been seen at all if the tweets hadn’t been posted.

What a strategic digital marketing campaign can do to your website’s traffic - Tips from Digital Marketing Agency Gravity Digital

Occasionally we strike Twitter-gold too and have examples to draw upon that sound impressive, such as the £150k quote picked up by answering a single tweet that someone had put out related to one of our Client’s areas of specialism. Great stuff, but quite rare.

There are many social media agencies out there that seem to claim that just being on social media generates business and that this kind of thing happens all the time. This is not true. Social media channels have to be worked effectively and regularly… and then once in while you might just pick up that £150k job through it.

Twitter – and the other social media channels – can be used in a number of ways that isn’t just about sales. For high-value products which are subject to a long lead time or are a considered purchase, these will not be sold through one tweet alone. And so warming up prospects in tandem with an ‘off-Twitter’ strategy, or engaging with complimentary businesses, networks or communities are tactics that can be employed. Similarly, competitor intelligence can be gathered, and even data that feeds into the SEO process can be harvested to enable enrichment of a Company’s digital strategy.

Off-site interactions on channels such as Twitter are also vitally important mechanisms to keep track of. Many ‘good sentiments’ on a social media channel such as Twitter will lead to increased footfall or purchases, but that will not always be directly attributable to a click through to the website.

Getting good interactions on social media improves the public face of your brand. An approachable brand is a memorable brand and with seasonal products, keeping your customers entertained, informed and engaged in times when they don’t ordinarily buy from you will keep you front of mind for the time when the customer needs you.

The take-away thought then is that it is not just good enough to dabble in digital marketing. If you want to make your budget work as hard as it can, then you need to apply your online and offline activities in a co-ordinated fashion.

If you feel that you have lost your way and need help getting back on track again, get in touch with us for a no obligation discussion about how we might be able to help you.

Based in Derby we are a creative marketing agency and provide a wide range of services, we spend the time looking at what is right for our clients and their customers by embracing new digital marketing concepts to the good old fashioned letter writing.

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We are a no-nonsense digital marketing agency based in Derby. To learn more about how we can help you get results from your marketing, then get in touch. Please email us on [email protected] or give us a call on 01332 416555.